GaN-based series hybrid LED array: a dual-function light source with illumination and high-speed visible light communication capabilities

Enyuan Xie, Chen Cheng, Chengsui Ouyang, Jordan Hill, Jonathan J.D. McKendry, Yanchao Zhang, Erdan Gu, Johannes Herrnsdorf, Harald Haas, Martin D. Dawson

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We propose and demonstrate a GaN-based series-driven hybrid light emitting diode (SH-LED) device in which broad-area and micro-LED components are interconnected for simultaneous illumination and high-speed visible light communication (VLC) applications. Through theoretical analysis based on an equivalent electrical circuit model and characterization from a fabricated exemplar device with blue emission, it is shown that SH-LEDs combine the advantages of broad-area and micro-LED components by offering high direct-current (DC) optical power output and a fast frequency response. The application of this device to VLC is demonstrated through both the point-to-point and 9 divergence-angle coverage systems at 3 m transmission distance adopting a DC-biased optical-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing modulation scheme. Compared with a point-to-point system using a single micro-LED, that our initial demonstrator SH-LED achieves the same data transmission rate of 3.39 Gbps at forward error correction (FEC) floor of 3.8; 10-3, but the received DC optical power is improved by over 3 times. For the area coverage system, up to 1.56 Gbps data transmission rates at a FEC floor of 3.8 10-3 are accomplished by using this device, associated with over 4 times higher received DC optical power compared with that using a single micro-LED.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-250
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2024


  • light emitting diodes
  • lighting
  • impedance
  • visible light communication
  • floors
  • adaptive optics
  • optical transmitters


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