Gaelic Language Plan Implementation Assessment Cycle 6: Final Report to Bòrd na Gàidhlig

L. Dombrowski, I. Birnie, D. Chalmers, M. Danson, K. Jones, E. Danson

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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The Gaelic Language Plans (GLPs) of fourteen public organisations were analysed by a group of impartial researchers from UWS, GCU, Heriot Watt, and Iaith. This exercise was Cycle 6 in a series of GLP assessments.

Each GLP was textually analysed to list all core commitments and targets set in the areas of Status, Corpus, Acquisition and Usage planning. Fidelity assessments then took place of these commitments/targets using FOI requests, ‘secret shopping’, interview and a survey that included employees and staff.

Each organisation was provided a comprehensive assessment report for the implementation of their GLP, culminating in recommendations to them and to the Bòrd.

This report provides a summary report for Cycle 6’s assessments. It provides some reference to individual organisations implementation efforts, but for detailed information relating to individual organisations, individual reports should be consulted. This summary report highlights transversal issues arising from the assessment process.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationInverness
Commissioning bodyBòrd na Gàidhlig
Number of pages148
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017


  • Gaelic
  • language policy
  • language planning


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