Fusion of PCA and segmented-PCA domain multiscale 2-D-SSA for effective spectral-spatial feature extraction and data classification in hyperspectral imagery

Hang Fu, Genyun Sun, Jinchang Ren, Aizhu Zhang, Xiuping Jia

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56 Citations (Scopus)


As hyperspectral imagery (HSI) contains rich spectral and spatial information, a novel principal component analysis (PCA) and segmented-PCA (SPCA)-based multiscale 2-D-singular spectrum analysis (2-D-SSA) fusion method is proposed for joint spectral-spatial HSI feature extraction and classification. Considering the overall spectra and adjacent band correlations of objects, the PCA and SPCA methods are utilized first for spectral dimension reduction, respectively. Then, multiscale 2-D-SSA is applied onto the SPCA dimension-reduced images to extract abundant spatial features at different scales, where PCA is applied again for dimensionality reduction. The obtained multiscale spatial features are then fused with the global spectral features derived from PCA to form multiscale spectral-spatial features (MSF-PCs). The performance of the extracted MSF-PCs is evaluated using the support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Experiments on four benchmark HSI data sets have shown that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art feature extraction methods, including several deep learning approaches, when only a small number of training samples are available.
Original languageEnglish
Article number5500214
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Early online date16 Nov 2020
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2022


  • classification
  • dimension reduction
  • feature fusion
  • hyperspectral imagery (HSI)
  • multiscale 2-D-singular spectrum analysis (2-D-SSA)
  • dimensionality reduction
  • network


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