From the low status role of residential (care) workers to the high-status role as house mentors

Frank Ainsworth, Paul Mastronardi

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This article is about the claim that 'residential work is part of social work', and how the subsequent demise of specialist residential qualifications in both Britain and Australia came about. This demise resulted from the British adoption of the CQSW (Certificate of Qualification in Social Work) as a common fieldwork and residential services qualification. Australia, in time, imported US models of residential care and treatment. Two examples are given, firstly, of how the downsizing of residential facilities in NSW has created a demand for residential placements that cannot be satisfied. This is described as a planning and policy failure. The second example is from education. This educational sector programme avoided the rush by community services to reduce the use of residential facilities. In contrast, this programme, for educationally disengaged young people, has maintained a capacity of 32 young people, and can empirically demonstrate effectiveness in returning these young people to mainstream education. The focus in this programme is on 'educational gain and behaviour change', with staff in the four special houses having an educational role as house mentors.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalScottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 3 Nov 2022


  • relationships
  • children's rights
  • skills
  • support


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