Focusing on preparing the new programmes - state of play with 2007-13 and 2014-20 programmes

Heidi Vironen, Rona Michie, Kaisa Granqvist

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


After two years of intense negotiations, first within the European Council and then with the European Parliament, the agreement reached with the Parliament on 20 November provides certainty on the regulatory framework for Cohesion policy in the 2014-20 programme period. Programming has of course been underway for a year or more, as Member States, national and regional authorities have been developing their new Partnership Agreements (PAs) and Operational Programmes (OPs), while engaging in informal dialogue with the European Commission. Progress with the drafting of Partnership Agreements is generally on schedule and the aim is to submit formally the majority of PAs towards the end of 2013.

The focus for 2007-13 programmes over the last six months has been on achieving and maintaining full levels of commitment, which may involve the recycling of funding, and accelerating payment levels. The rate of absorption across EU27 has increased by nearly eight percentage points to 59.4 percent over the last six months, although marked differences between Member States and Funds remain. However, across EU27, the pace of spending (as measured by payments) remains around six percentage points behind the same point in 2000-06. However, as the Commission cannot currently make payments on most budget lines, this underestimates programme progress somewhat.

On the basis of the information available in October and November 2013, the aim of this paper is two-fold:
•To provide a review of the preparation, content and delivery implications of the PAs and OPs for 2014-20;
•To provide an update on the financial and physical progress of the 2007-13 OPs and the preparations for programme closure.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2013
Event35th IQ-Net Conference - Scotland, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Dec 20134 Dec 2013


Conference35th IQ-Net Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • European Parliament
  • cohesion policy
  • European commission
  • partnership agreements


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