Focus on emotional wellbeing


Research output: Other contribution

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We are delighted to share with you this issue of Reach. We focus on the theme of 'emotional wellbeing', a topic that is often a difficult balancing act for those of you who work with looked after children and young people. How do we keep young people safe, but also nurture them in a stable, loving home? And how do you maintain your own emotional health in the midst of such demanding work? We look at case studies of particular children and their traumatic journeys, explore good practice across Scotland and what has been done to support and engage those people who have direct contact and really can make that difference.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages24
Place of PublicationGlasgow
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2015

Publication series

NameReach: the magazine for CELCIS
VolumeAutumn 2015


  • emotional wellbeing
  • looked after children
  • young people
  • health and wellbeing


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