Financial markets, innovation and regulation

Dimitris Andriosopoulos*, Robert Faff, Krishna Paudyal

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The papers included in this issue are selected from the 7th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS) organized by Strathclyde Business School during 1-3 June 2017. With circa 200 academics, practitioners and regulators participating as delegates from around the world more than 140 papers were presented at the conference. The conference covered a wide range of topics related to financial markets, innovation, banking, risk, alternative finance and financial technology. The three plenary sessions focused on how can regulation "make markets work well" by Dr Matteo Aquilina (Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Manager - Chief Economist's Department), financial markets and risk by Professor Jonathan Crook (Professor of Business Economics, Deputy Dean and Director of Research at the University of Edinburgh Business School), and alternative finance and financial technology by Professor Raghavendra Rau (Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professor of Finance at Cambridge Judge Business School). Hence, the three keynote speeches where perfectly suited to the theme of the conference: "Financial Markets, Innovation and Regulation".
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)595-598
Number of pages4
JournalEuropean Journal of Finance
Issue number7
Early online date1 Mar 2019
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2019
Event7th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society: Banking, Financial Markets, Innovation and Regulation - University of Strathclyde - Technology and Innovation Centre, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Jun 20173 Jun 2017


  • financial innovation
  • regulation
  • financial markets


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