FEL options for the proposed UK fourth generation light source (4GLS)

M.W. Poole, B.W.J. McNeil

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


4GLS is a novel low-energy light source proposed as a complementary facility to the DIAMOND X-ray project for the UK, and could probably replace the present SRS at Daresbury in about 6 years time. This facility will use a combination of three separate FELs, undulators and bending magnets to provide a unique source of high-brightness continuous and pulsed radiation from the IR to XUV (~100 eV). Here, we give a brief description of the proposed FELs in the IR and VUV followed by a pre-design parameter study of the more technically challenging XUV high-gain FEL. The electron beam source for this FEL is a 600MeV superconducting energy recovery linac with peak currents of a few kA, normalised rms emittance ~3 pi mm-mrad and rms energy spread ∼5×10-4. Computer simulations using the 3-D FEL code GENESIS 1.3 are used to investigate a feasible undulator and beam focussing scheme, allowing estimates for achievable radiation power and saturation length to be made.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)489-493
Number of pages4
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Issue number1-2
Early online date14 Mar 2003
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2003
Event24th International Free Electron Laser Conference - Argonne, IL, United States
Duration: 9 Sept 200213 Sept 2002


  • free electron laser
  • energy recovery linac
  • fourth generation light source


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