Feed-forward pitch control of HAWT using LIDAR

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The prediction of wind speed is increasingly interested in the recent wind turbine control studies. The developing LIDAR technology, fully named Light Detection And Ranging, provides the possibility to mount the LIDAR device on the nacelle to collect wind data a certain distance in front of the rotor plane of the turbine. These data are fed into the Feed-forward control system. It is demonstrated by many previous researches that the LIDAR-Feed-forward system provides an advanced turbine performance, including a better energy capture and the reduction of fatigue and extreme loads.
Although the improvement of LIDAR size and reliability brings a possibility of using LIDAR in wind energy, the additional cost requires an accurate assessment of this possibility.
This paper indicates a series of statistical analysis by using unfrozen turbulence model simulations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2012
EventEWEA 2012 The European Wind Energy Association - Copehagen, Denmark
Duration: 16 Apr 201219 Apr 2012


ConferenceEWEA 2012 The European Wind Energy Association


  • feed-forward control
  • wind turbine
  • numerical modelling
  • unfrozen turbulence model


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