Feasibility for damage identification in offshore wind jacket structures through monitoring of global structural dynamics

Mark Richmond, Ursula Smolka, Athanasios Kolios

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The modal response of a four-legged jacket structure to damages are explored and resulting considerations for damage detection are discussed. A finite element model of the Wikinger (Iberdrola) jacket structure is used to investigate damage detection. Damages, such as cracks, scour, corrosion and more, are modelled in a simulation environment. The resulting modal parameters are calculated, these parameters are compared to those from an unaltered structure and metrics are calculated including frequency change, modal assurance criterion and modal flexibility. A highly detailed design-model is used to conduct a sensitivity study on modal parameters for a range of changes. By conducting this on the same structure, this acts as a useful reference for those interested in the dynamic response of offshore wind jacket structures. Additionally, this paper addresses the issue of changes in mode parameters resulting from turbine yaw. This paper also considers the challenge of mode-swapping in semi-symmetric structures and proposes several approaches for addressing this. Damage typically results in a reduction of frequency and change in mode shapes, but in ways which can be distinguished from other structural changes, given the extent of this model. These findings are important considerations for modal-based damage detection of offshore wind support structures.
Original languageEnglish
Article number5791
Number of pages24
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2020


  • offshore wind jacket structure
  • natural frequencies
  • mode shapes
  • damage identification
  • finite element model


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