Extending {TIM} domain analysis to handle {ADL} constructs

S. Cresswell, M. Fox, D. Long, T.L. McCluskey (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Planning domain analysis provides information which is useful to the domain designer, and which can also be exploited by a planner to reduce search. The TIM domain analysis tool infers types and invariants from an input domain definition and initial state. In this paper we describe extensions to the TIM system to al- low efficient processing of domains written in a more expressive language with features of ADL: types, con- ditional effects, universally quantified effects and neg- ative preconditions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2002
EventAIPS '02 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques for A.I. Planning - Toulouse, France
Duration: 23 Apr 200227 Apr 2002


ConferenceAIPS '02 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques for A.I. Planning
CityToulouse, France


  • domain analysis
  • TIM
  • planning systems


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