Exploring value and performance parameters for thermal energy storage in low carbon buildings and districts

P.G. Tuohy, N. Kelly, J. Allison, A. Cowie, A. Lyden, G. Flett

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There is much effort focussed on development and implementation of thermal energy storage (TES) for future energy systems. This paper explores the context within which TES has potential to provide benefits from a range of perspectives. First the wider role of storage and demand side flexibility is explored and then the potential roles of TES, both explicit TES (i.e. designed storage systems) and inherent TES (e.g. in standard building structure) are examined. The potential benefits of storage are categorised as: (i) short term supply side response, (ii) load shaping for supply side optimisation, (iii) local supply optimisation, (iv) capital investment and return on investment optimisation, (v) comfort and resilience. A set of potential downsides for TES systems is also given. For each category performance metrics are proposed which could be used to support the quantification of the benefits of TES in modelling and other assessments.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2018
Event14th International Conference on Energy Storage - Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey
Duration: 25 Apr 201828 Apr 2018


Conference14th International Conference on Energy Storage
Abbreviated titleEnerSTOCK2018
Internet address


  • energy storage
  • KPIs
  • quantification
  • low carbon buildings
  • low carbon districts
  • TES
  • modelling
  • grid
  • DSM


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