Exploitation and commercial surrogate motherhood

H.V. McLachlan, J.K. Swales

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


This paper discusses the exploitation argument against commercial surrogacy: the claim that commercial surrogacy is morally objectionable because it is exploitative. The following questions are addressed. First, what exactly does the exploitation argument amount to? Second, is commercial surrogacy in fact exploitative? Third, if it were exploitative, would this provide a sufficient reason to prohibit (or otherwise legislatively discourage) it? The focus throughout is on the exploitation of paid surrogates, although it is noted that other parties (e.g. 'commissioning parents') may also be the victims of exploitation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-14
Number of pages6
JournalHuman Reproduction and Genetic Ethics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • reproduction
  • surrogacy
  • motherhood
  • commercial surrogacy


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