Experimental study of coaxial free-electron maser based on two-dimensional distributed feedback

I.V. Konoplev, P. McGrane, W. He, A.W. Cross, A.D.R. Phelps, C.G. Whyte, K. Ronald, C.W. Robertson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

69 Citations (Scopus)


The first experimental study of a coaxial free-electron maser (FEM) based on two-dimensional (2D) distributed feedback is presented. A new type of cavity formed with coaxial 2D surface photonic band gap structures was used. The FEM was driven by a large diameter (7 cm), high-current(500 A), annular electron beam of energy 475 keV. By tuning the amplitude of the undulator or guide magnetic field, modes associated with the different band gaps of the 2D structures were excited. The Ka-band coaxial FEM generated 15 MW of radiation with a 6% conversion efficiency, in excellent agreement with theory.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)035002/1-035002/4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2006


  • co-axial free-electron maser
  • laser
  • co-axial
  • two dimensional feedback
  • 2D Bragg
  • photonic band gap
  • radiation
  • physics


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