Examining the interplay of labour productivity policies and industrial-energy-environmental goals

Andrew G. Ross, Peter G. McGregor, J. Kim Swales, Graeme Roy

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The academic and policy-oriented literature increasingly quantifies the wider effects of energy policy on the macroeconomy. However, the spillovers from economic policies to energy use are less frequently recognised, meaning that many policymakers who strive to improve productivity whilst simultaneously targeting emission reduction fail to consider these interactions. This paper addresses this issue by using simulation results generated by introducing an exogenous increase in labour productivity in a computable general equilibrium model calibrated with data from the United Kingdom. Theoretical analysis suggests that increasing labour productivity can have positive or negative effects on employment levels and energy use. However, the simulation results show that in the context of a developed open economy, improved labour efficiency will increase employment, a key policy objective, but simultaneously increase energy use. A key policy implication is that this work highlights the need for policy frameworks that explicitly acknowledge and quantify the interconnections between national economic policy strategies and energy policy objectives. Secondly, it shows that in practice, policies to reduce carbon emissions need to be strengthened alongside policies to improve productivity successfully implemented.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6622968
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Energy Research
Publication statusPublished - 28 Dec 2023


  • energy policy
  • economy
  • labour efficiency


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