Evolution of microstructure and residual stresses in a CP-Ti bioimplant produced by incremental sheet forming

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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Investigation of material behaviour under different schemes of deformation process is one of the important tasks of modern materials science. Metal manufacturing methods, such as metal forming, related to methods by which material of a simple geometry is transformed into a component of specific shape without any change in mass or chemical composition of the initial material [1]. Metal forming process where the deformation is three-dimensional in nature, is known as bulk deformation [2]. Bulk deformation includes processes such as rolling, extrusion, cold and hot forging, bending, and drawing, where metal is formed by plastic deformation. The term bulk deformation is used to distinguish it from sheet-forming process. In sheet-forming, such as brake forming, deep drawing, and stretch forming, the stresses are usually in the plane of the sheet metal unlike all three coordinate directions of components in bulk deformation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUltrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials
Subtitle of host publicationAbstracts of the Open School-Conference of NIS Countries
Place of PublicationUfa, Russian Federation
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018
EventUltrafinegrained and Nanostructured Materials 2018 - Ufa, Russian Federation, Ufa, Russian Federation
Duration: 1 Oct 20185 Oct 2018


ConferenceUltrafinegrained and Nanostructured Materials 2018
Abbreviated titleUFGNM-2018
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation


  • cranial implant
  • bioimpland
  • sheet forming


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