Evaluation of the North Lanarkshire curriculum flexibility project

Kay Livingston, Jim McCall, Liz Seagraves, Scottish Executive (Funder)

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This report highlights some of the very good practice about effective use of flexibility in the curriculum that is emerging. It describes how staff have engaged in innovative use of time in ways which have given pupils increased motivation to learn and encouraged them to become more independent learners and more effective collaborative workers. The important role of school managers in monitoring the impact of innovations in the curriculum is exemplified. This report also acts as a call to action for schools which still often adhere too rigidly to inflexible programmes of study. There remains a need for more imaginative leadership and further professional development of staff at all levels to ensure that full and appropriate use of the opportunities offered by Curriculum for Excellence are realised.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • flexible learning
  • curriculum for excellence
  • teaching
  • curriculum
  • schools


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