Evaluation of a mosquito home system for controlling Aedes aegypti

Ahmad Mohiddin Mohd Ngesom, Anis Ahmad Razi, Nur Syahirah Azizan, Wasi Ahmad Nazni, Asmalia Md Lasim, Yanfeng Liang, David Greenhalgh, Jasmin Chia Siew Min, Mazrura Sahani, Rozita Hod, Hidayatulfath Othman

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Background: Dengue is a significant public health issue that is caused by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. The urrent vector control methods are unable to effectively reduce Aedes populations and thus failing to decrease dengue transmission. Hence, there is an urgent need for new tools and strategies to reduce dengue ransmission in a wide range of settings. In this study, the Mosquito home system (MHS) and Mosquito home aqua (MHAQ) formulations were assessed as commercial autodissemination traps in the laboratory and small-scale field trials.
Method: Multiple series of laboratory and small-scale field trials were performed to assess the efficacy of MHS and MHAQ exposed to Ae. aegypti. In the laboratory trials, various parameters such as fecundity, fertility, wing size, oviposition preferences, residual effects, and MHAQ transference to other containers through controlled experiments were tested. For small-scale field trials, the efficacy of the MHS and MHAQ approaches was determined to ascertain whether wild mosquitoes could transfer the MHAQ formulation from MHS stations to ovitraps.
Results: The data revealed that Ae. aegypti was highly susceptible to low concentrations of MHAQ formulations and had a residual effect of up to three months, with MHAQ exposure affecting fecundity, fertility, and mosquito wing size. In the oviposition studies, gravid females strongly preferred the hay infusion compared to tap water and MHAQ during egg-laying in the laboratory. Nevertheless, the use of commercial MHAQ by MHS was highly attractive in field settings compared to conventional ovitraps among local Aedes spp. mosquitoes. In addition, MHAQ horizontal transfer activities in the laboratory and small-scale field trials were demonstrated through larval bioassays. These findings demonstrated the potential of MHAQ to be transferred to new containers in each study site.
Conclusion: This study provided proof of principle for the autodissemination of MHAQ. Through further refinement, this technique and device could become an effective oviposition trap and offer an alternative preventive tool for vector control management.
Original languageEnglish
Article number413
JournalParasites and Vectors
Publication statusPublished - 18 Aug 2021


  • autodissemination
  • horizontal transfer
  • inhibition emergences
  • insect growth regulators
  • vector control management


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