Evaluating the noise resilience of variational quantum algorithms

Enrico Fontana, Nathan Fitzpatrick, David Muñoz Ramo, Ross Duncan, Ivan Rungger

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We simulate the effects of different types of noise in state preparation circuits of variational quantum algorithms. We first use a variational quantum eigensolver to find the ground state of a Hamiltonian in the presence of noise and adopt two quality measures in addition to the energy, namely, fidelity and concurrence. We then extend the task to the one of constructing, with a layered quantum circuit ansatz, a set of general random target states. We determine the optimal circuit depth for different types and levels of noise, and observe that the variational algorithms mitigate the effects of noise by adapting the optimized parameters. We find that the inclusion of redundant parameterized gates makes the quantum circuits more resilient to noise. For such overparameterized circuits, different sets of parameters can result in the same final state in the noiseless case, which we denote as parameter degeneracy. Numerically, we show that this degeneracy can be lifted in the presence of noise, with some states being significantly more resilient to noise than others. We also show that the average deviation from the target state is linear in the noise level, as long as this is small compared to a circuit-dependent threshold. In this region, the deviation is well described by a stochastic model. Above the threshold, the optimization can converge to states with largely different physical properties from the true target state, so for practical applications it is critical to ensure that noise levels are below this threshold.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022403
Number of pages19
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2021


  • variational quantum algorithms
  • quantum computing
  • quantum benchmarking
  • quantum channels
  • quantum information


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