Erfolg von Dienstleistungsnetzwerken : ein Netzwerkmarketingansatz [Success of Service Networks]

Heiner Evanschitzky

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Major features of the tertiary sector in Germany are high growth rates and intense competition. Service providers who want to ensure their success, must therefore encourage growth opportunities by offering innovative, customer-oriented services Heiner Evanschitzky presents a comprehensive study of the success of service networks, which he described as a promising form of coordination for economic activities, because they can be flexibly joined with individual service offerings to respond to environmental change through specialization and cost advantages realised. The author integrates the major theoretical approaches to explain sustainable competitive advantages in the context of network marketing and expanding the marketing theory. An empirical investigation and clues to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise is also covered.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWiesbaden
Number of pages303
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2003


  • tertiary sector
  • competition
  • Germany
  • economic growth


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