Entrepreneurship education and hospitality education: some shared menu implications for discerning diners?

B. Cooper

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Many debates regarding what should be offered for those in the new venture creation and entrepreneurship realms of higher education continue today and the need for further research to inform decision makers may be argued to be as strong as ever in this arena. It is clear that many of the students of who take elective classes in entrepreneurship come from the hospitality sector. It is also clear that many new ventures are established within the hospitality sector, which may be termed entrepreneurial businesses. This research focuses on the use of computer-based learning in the provision of education for hospitality students and the potential implications of such for entrepreneurship education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventInstitute for Small Business and Enterprise Conference - Belfast, Ireland
Duration: 5 Nov 20087 Nov 2008


ConferenceInstitute for Small Business and Enterprise Conference
CityBelfast, Ireland


  • hospitality education
  • hospitality
  • entrepreneurship


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