Entrepreneurial philanthropy: theoretical antecedents and empirial analysis of economic, social, human, cultural and symbolic capitals

Jillian Gordon, Charles Harvey, Kay Henderson, Eleanor Shaw

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Philanthropy is emerging as a key activity of wealthy entrepreneurs. Motivated by the opportunity and capacity to support economic and social regeneration, anecdotal evidence and emerging research suggests that successful, high net worth entrepreneurs are becoming significant players in the global arena of philanthropy (Bishop and Green, 2008; Schervish, 2008). Considerations of entrepreneurial philanthropy are however largely absent from the entrepreneurial discourse. The objectives of this paper are to consider the antecedents of contemporary UK entrepreneurial philanthropy and propose theoretical perspectives relevant to developing an informed understanding of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy. A final objective is to present an analysis of the entrepreneurial capital of wealthy entrepreneurs involved in philanthropy and to consider the role of such capital in entrepreneurial philanthropy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2011
EventAustralian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship research Conference - University of Swinburne, Australia
Duration: 1 Jan 1900 → …


ConferenceAustralian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship research Conference
CityUniversity of Swinburne, Australia
Period1/01/00 → …


  • entrepreneurs
  • entrepreneurial philanthropy
  • contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy
  • gender
  • bank lending
  • finance


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