Ensuring efficient and robust offshore storage: the role of marine system modelling

Jerry Blackford*, Guttorm Alendal, Yuri Artioli, Helge Avlesen, Pierre W. Cazenave, Baixin Chen, Andrew W. Dale, Marius Dewar, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Jonas Gros, Kristian Gundersen, Matthias Haeckel, Sorush Khajepor, Gennadi Lessin, Anna Oleynik, Abdirahman M. Omar, Umer Saleem

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


This paper describes the utility of developing marine system models to aid the efficient and regulatory compliant development of offshore carbon storage, maximising containment assurance by well-planned monitoring strategies. Using examples from several model systems, we show that marine models allow us to characterize the chemical perturbations arising from hypothetical release scenarios whilst concurrently quantifying the natural variability of the system with respect to the same chemical signatures. Consequently models can identify a range of potential leakage anomaly detection criteria, identifying the most sensitive discriminators applicable to a given site or season. Further, using models as in-silico testbeds we can devise the most cost-efficient deployment of sensors to maximise detection of CO2 leakage. Modelling studies can also contribute to the required risk assessments, by quantifying potential impact from hypothetical release scenarios. Finally, given this demonstrable potential we discuss the challenges to ensuring model systems are available, fit for purpose and transferable to CCS operations across the globe.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 4 Apr 2019
Event14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 21 Oct 201826 Oct 2018


Conference14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Abbreviated titleGHGT-14
Internet address


  • CCS
  • marine
  • modelling
  • monitoring
  • offshore
  • storage


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