Employee satisfaction from indoor work environments in Doha, Qatar

Lizmol Mathew, Ashraf M. Salama

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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Several studies have been conducted by environmental psychologists on worker satisfaction from office spaces with the attempt to relate it to human productivity and profit. Most of such studies have been conducted in the western context, those in the cultural context of the Gulf Region being very limited. This research reports on office worker satisfaction from the indoor environment in selected office buildings set in the socio-cultural-religious context of Qatar and the Gulf region. The study used self administered questionnaires as the predominant method for the research. Personal interviews were also conducted with willing participants. Results revealed that around half of the respondents were satisfied with the indoor environment of their offices. Presence of a window and access to daylighting are seen to contribute highly towards satisfaction. Most dissatisfaction expressed was less on account of actual physical conditions and related more to the poor ability of users to control the environmental conditions like temperature, lighting, ventilation and humidity. It is important that building designers provide some means of control over indoor environmental parameters to occupants of workspaces to improve perceived satisfaction and increase worker productivity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationACSS2014
Subtitle of host publicationThe Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences
Place of PublicationNagoya, Aich, Japan
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameThe Asian Conference on the Social Sciences
PublisherThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
ISSN (Print)2186-2303


  • workplace
  • satisfaction
  • office workers
  • indoor environments
  • windows
  • temperature
  • ventilation
  • daylighting
  • Qatar


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