Employee demand for skills: evidence and policy review: UK Commission for Employment and Skills Research Report no. 3

Steve Johnson, Szymon Sawicki, Claire Pearson, Colin Lindsay, Ronald McQuaid, Matthew Dutton

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This report presents the results of a detailed review of evidence and policy relating to the factors that influence the engagement of the individual in skills development. It incorporates a broad range of formal and informal learning activities, delivered in a range of institutional settings and through different media, including work-based, classroombased, distance learning and community based learning. The review is deliberately broad in its focus, drawing on evidence and policy relating to people in different positions within the labour market - in or out of work, new entrants into employment, younger and older workers, people with and without qualifications and/or with higher and lower skills. However, a key focus for the research was the barriers and factors affecting access to skills development opportunities among lower skilled and lower qualified people. The review was undertaken by WM Enterprise and the Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UK Commission).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages133
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • skills development
  • employees
  • employment
  • human resource management


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