Emotion-focused therapy

Robert Elliott, Leslie S. Greenberg

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Emotion-Focused Therapy is an integrative, humanistic, empirically-supported approach; it emerged from the Person-Centered tradition and in particular its experiential branch (i.e., late Rogers and Gendlin). It integrates active process-guiding therapeutic methods from gestalt therapy and focusing within the frame of a person-centred relationship, but gives emotion a central role in therapy as a source of meaning, direction and growth. In this chapter we describe the core assumptions and values of EFT, EFT emotion theory and practice principles, and some of the main kinds of therapeutic work in EFT (“markers and tasks”). We conclude with a summary of EFT emotion change principles and a brief case example
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPerson-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy
Subtitle of host publicationOrigins, Developments and Contemporary Considerations
EditorsColin Lago, Divine Charura
Place of PublicationMaidenhead, Berkshire
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2016


  • person centred counselling
  • person centred therapy


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