Embedding engineering practice in the chemical engineering curricula through industrial expert lecturers.

Esther Ventura-Medina, Karen Hapgood

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book


In recent years the department of Chemical Engineering at Monash has been increasingly incorporating contributions to the teaching delivery from industrial experts with the aim to enrich the curriculum content, provide up to date relevant expertise in engineering practice and improve the student experience. Monash has successfully embedded chemical engineering practice within the curricula by having industrial experts contributing to significant components in the teaching delivery and in particular in years 3 and 4 where students have contact with industrial experts every semester. These contributions are via continuous delivery of material for 3-12 weeks of the semester and are additional to ad-hoc guest lectures and the industrial expertise of some academic staff. Units such as Process Control, Sustainable Processing I, Process Design, Engineers in Society, Design Project, Sustainable Processing II covering aspects such as control valves, sensors and control systems, sustainability, Life Cycle Analysis, carbon emissions and legislation, equipment design, HAZOP, major safety incidents, safety legislation, environmental management and legislation and waste management use this approach. The approach taken to engage the industry overcome logistic issues, the synergies that have been built from these interactions and the perceived benefits and outcomes of this approach are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConference Proceedings of the 2013 Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference (CHEMECA).
Place of PublicationBrisbane, Australia
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2013
Event 2013 Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2013 - Brisbane, Qld, Australia
Duration: 29 Sept 20132 Oct 2013


Conference 2013 Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2013
Abbreviated titleCHEMECA 2013
CityBrisbane, Qld


  • engineering practice
  • industrial links
  • industrial experts
  • teaching


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