Electropalatographic therapy for children and young people with Down's syndrome

Joanne Cleland, Claire Timmins, Sara Wood, William Hardcastle, Jennifer Wishart

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Articulation disorders in Down’s syndrome (DS) are prevalent and often intractable. Individuals with DS generally prefer visual to auditory methods of learning and may therefore find it beneficial to be given a visual model during speech intervention, such as that provided by electropalatography (EPG). In this study, participants with Down’s syndrome, aged 10:1 to 18:9, received 24 individualized therapy sessions using EPG. Simultaneous acoustic and EPG recordings were made pre- and post intervention during 10 repetitions of a word list containing lingua-palatal consonants. Participants also completed the DEAP phonology sub-test at both time points. Post-treatment, all participants showed qualitative and quantifiable differences in EPG patterns and improvements in DEAP percentage consonants correct. EPG assessment and therapy appears a positive approach for identifying and improving articulatory patterns in children with DS.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)926-939
Number of pages14
JournalClinical Linguistics & Phonetics
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009


  • Down's syndrome
  • electropalatography
  • intervention


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