Electrical impedance detection and ultrasound scanning of body tissue

Wei Wang (Inventor), Nevis Beqo (Inventor), Hans-Juergen Gassert (Inventor), David Lines (Inventor), James Wharrie (Inventor), Malcolm McCormick (Inventor), Matthew Forman (Inventor), Mark Greenwood (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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An apparatus for performing electrical impedance detection and ultrasound scanning of body tissue, the apparatus comprising: a container for receiving body tissue comprising, at a depth, a spacing member for contacting the body tissue; an electrode array for performing electrical impedance detection by applying a first electrical signal to the body tissue, receiving an electrical response signal characteristic of the body tissue, and providing a first output signal representative of the electrical response signal; an ultrasound transducer for performing ultrasound detection by applying a first ultrasound signal to the body tissue, receiving an ultrasound response signal characteristic of the body tissue, and providing a second output signal representative of the ultrasound response signal, wherein the ultrasound transducer and the electrode array are mounted on a rotatable element of the apparatus that moves when the depth of the container is varied, and that, is configured in use, to underlie the spacing member and to rotate with respect to the body tissue; and wherein the spacing member comprises apertures.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2012076881A1
Priority date7/12/10
Filing date7/12/11
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 2012


  • electrical impedance
  • detection
  • ultrasound scanning
  • body tissue


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