Editorial: Arteriogenesis and collateral remodelling in ischaemic disease

Junxi Wu, Dongxing Zhu, Susan Currie

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Development of atherosclerosis leads to narrowing/blockage of large and medium sized arteries and subsequent restriction of blood supply to downstream tissues. Ischaemic disease, including ischaemic heart disease and critical limb ischaemia, presents a serious medical and economic burden to aging societies (1). Reopening or replacing the diseased artery (by percutaneous intervention with stenting or by vascular bypass surgery) are effective therapeutic strategies to restore perfusion in the ischaemic tissue. However, these invasive interventions are typically employed at a late-stage of disease when critical ischaemia has been well established. Notably, there is a large group of patients who are not eligible/suitable for surgical intervention, either because of the complex vascular pathology or lack of suitable autologous vascular grafts. Crucially, any validated alternative interventions for ischaemic disease are still lacking (2).
Original languageEnglish
Article number916218
JournalFrontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2022


  • ischaemia
  • reperfusion
  • arteriogenesis
  • collateral artery
  • vascular remodeling


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