Economic barriers to development: cost of access to internet infrastructure

Abi Jagun

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The Internet is increasingly viewed as an "indispensable" resource for general development and economic growth (UNDP 1999). Its adoption by governments, organizations and individuals has resulted in the shrinking of spatial and temporal distances between different regions of the world, and has greatly facilitated the "free" and quick exchange of information. Such constrictions of time and space impact upon social and economic interactions at all levels of society. Furthermore, ramifications of this impact are felt by a society, group or individual irrespective of whether or not they use the Internet. The ability to access the Internet, and in particular the costs associated with such access, are therefore important points of consideration. Not only do these costs contribute to the disproportional spread of the Internet across the world's population; they also potentially contribute to uneven patterns of development within, and between countries.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternet Governance and Sustainable Development
Subtitle of host publicationTowards a Common Agenda
Place of PublicationManitoba
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2007


  • international development
  • internet
  • economic growth
  • society


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