Driving the public policy debate: internet governance and development

H.P. Williams, W.J. Drake (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The aim of this book is to give some insight into an exceptional experience of multi-stakeholder cooperation. It contains personal impressions of a grousp of people with a wide variety of backgrounds who were either members of the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) or part of the Secretariat that supported its work. More than half of the WGIG members agreed to contribute to this book on short notice; this bears witness to the fact that they all felt their experience was positive and successful. Their contributions reflect their own views, and not those of the group as a whole.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationReforming Internet Governance
Number of pages269
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2005


  • internet governance
  • multi-stakeholder corporation
  • WGIG


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