Distributed ReStart: Non-Conventional Black-Start Resources: RTDS Based Network Energization from Grid Forming Converters: Part 1

Abdulrahman Alassi, Zhiwang Feng, Andreas Avras, Mazheruddin Hussain Syed, Agusti Egea-Àlvarez, Khaled Ahmed

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Following the past two studies submitted as part of Distributed ReStart project tasks between SPEN and Iberdrola Innovation Middle East, this report summarizes preliminary results achieved as part of the third work package of the project, undertaken in experimental collaboration with the state-of-the-art smart grid laboratories at the University of Strathclyde, namely the Dynamic Power Systems Laboratory (DPSL) and the Power Networks Demonstration Center (PNDC). The aim of this report is to shed light on the real-time modeling of grid forming converters for black-start applications, starting from a similar simplified network reported in work package 2 study for proof of concept, and then expanding into Chaplecross electrical network in Scotland to simulate the black-start energization of a smaller segment from this network as a preliminary step to extended planned tests that take into account further scenarios. Throughout this report, the GFC control used is illustrated in Figure 1, including soft energization, voltage support and grid synchronization capabilities. The modified grid-synchronization control requires access to high-precision voltage measurements from the synchronizing point.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWarwick
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2021


  • Grid-Forming Converter (GFM)
  • black-start
  • power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL)
  • distributed ReStart


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