Diffractive triangulation of radiative point sources

S. Vespucci, G. Naresh-Kumar, C. Trager-Cowan, K. P. Mingard, D. Maneuski, V. O'Shea, A. Winkelmann

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We describe a general method to determine the location of a point source of waves relative to a two-dimensional single-crystalline active pixel detector. Based on the inherent structural sensitivity of crystalline sensor materials, characteristic detector diffraction patterns can be used to triangulate the location of a wave emitter. The principle described here can be applied to various types of waves provided that the detector elements are suitably structured. As a prototypical practical application of the general detection principle, a digital hybrid pixel detector is used to localize a source of electrons for Kikuchi diffraction pattern measurements in the scanning electron microscope. This approach provides a promising alternative method to calibrate Kikuchi patterns for accurate measurements of microstructural crystal orientations, strains, and phase distributions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number124103
Number of pages5
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number12
Early online date24 Mar 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Mar 2017


  • instrumentation
  • pixel detector
  • crystalline sensor materials


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