Development of an O&M tool for short term decision making applied to offshore wind farms

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Every day, wind farm operators make logistical decisions requiring them to efficiently use resources to maximise wind turbine availability. Deciding which turbines to maintain, the order in which they are visited and vessel routing is challenging due to multiple constraints such as weather, failure type and available vessels and technicians. To automate this decision making process, the authors collaborated with a UK offshore wind farm operator to create a tool, which recommends an on-the-day vessel routing strategy, such that costs are minimised while maximising the number of turbines repaired. To demonstrate the tool's capabilities, a case study is presented and the model's outputs, which include geographical locations of the turbines to be visited, are shown.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2016
EventWindEurope Summit 2016 - Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 27 Sept 201630 Sept 2016


ConferenceWindEurope Summit 2016
Internet address


  • offshore wind
  • O&M optimization
  • vessel routing


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