Development of a generic future grid code regarding wind power in Europe

Til Kristian Vrana, Lluis Trilla, Ayman Attya

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Present grid codes might not be a suitable reference for future-oriented research. The diversity of grid codes by different transmission system operators makes it challenging to get a clear and compact general overview on grid code requirements. ENTSO-E aims to develop a uniform grid code framework for Europe, which at present, however, still leaves many key aspects unspecified, referring instead to regulation by the relevant transmission system operator.

To enable for general assessment of grid code compliance in future scenarios, a generic future grid code is required for academic research purposes, hence the compliance test is generalised and future-oriented rather than examining it with actual grid codes of today. The generic grid code under development provides fault ride through voltage profile and the required response, as well as frequency and rate of change of frequency requirements and the demanded power-frequency response. The specifications are inspired by the European grid codes, by ENTSO-E and the Irish grid code, which is seen by many as progressive when it comes to wind power integration.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2017
Event16th Wind Integration Workshop - Berlin, Germany
Duration: 25 Oct 201727 Oct 2017


Conference16th Wind Integration Workshop
Internet address


  • grid code
  • wind power
  • energy
  • Transmission System Operators
  • renewable energy


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