Development and characterisation of an AI-in-the-loop testing platform for floating wind turbines PART I: construction, validation, and benchmark testing

Zihao Li, Longbin Tao, Yewen Chen, Weiming Zeng, Chang Cai*, Guibing Zhu*, Qingan Li

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Model testing is an inevitable means to verify design optimization because it is more economical than prototype testing and more reliable than numerical simulation. However, in the floating wind turbine experiment, the hydrodynamic Froude number and the aerodynamic Reynolds number cannot satisfy similar rules simultaneously, making the scale effect problem a major difficulty in the experiment. Therefore, this paper innovatively introduces AI-prediction-in-the-loop experimental technologies. The Froude similarity criterion is applied to model production and physical set-up. A Froude-similar wind turbine model (except for the blades) is placed in the wave flume and the floating platform moves. The response measurement data is input into the AI prediction module to perform real-time prediction of aerodynamic loads such as rotor thrust, output the calculation results and control the simulated load of the actuator, thereby realizing aerodynamic-hydrodynamic-structural coupling experiments under Froude's rules. Characterization benchmark and tank tests are carried out to validate the AI-in-the-loop testing methodology, and the results show good agreement between measured and predicted rotor thrust values across both high and low frequencies. Moreover, the time delay and systematic uncertainty of the proposed testing platform are identified for the first time.

Original languageEnglish
Article number116968
JournalOcean Engineering
Early online date16 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2024


  • AI-In-the-loop hybrid model test
  • Benchmark tests
  • Wind energy


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