Design and simulation of a cusp gun for use in gyro-amplifiers

D.H. Rowlands, W. He, C.G. Whyte, A.R. Young, A.W. Cross, A.D.R. Phelps, C.W. Robertson, K. Ronald

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Gyro-amplifiers have potential as the high frequency RF drivers for particle accelerators. They require relativistic electron beams with low velocity spread and with a high fraction of the electron energy associated with the cyclotron motion. For harmonic operation and mode control an axis-encircling beam is desirable. The passage of an electron beam through a non-adiabatic magnetic field reversal (cusp) converts part of the electron beam's axial velocity into axis-encircling transverse velocity. A cusp-based electron beam forming system, yielding a 10 MW, 150 kV, 70 A axis-encircling beam will be presented. This cusp gun is being designed as the electron beam source for a microwave gyro-amplifier that is relevant for high frequency accelerator applications. The latest results from numerical simulations and experiments are presented and compared
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConference Digest of the 2006 Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics
Number of pages0
ISBN (Print)1-4244-0400-2
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2006


  • electron guns
  • gyrotrons
  • relativistic electron beam tubes
  • solenoids
  • travelling wave amplifiers
  • travelling wave tubes


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