Delving deeper to come back stronger

Iain MacRitchie

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For all pupils, the COVID-19 Lockdown has meant a dramatic loss of routine and structure. But for young people in the care system, schools closing often meant the disappearance of their only safe haven and community hub. Over spring 2020, we surveyed more than 1000 young people in or on the edge of the care system to understand their experience of lockdown. This article will expand on our first report, examining through segmentation the impact of age, gender and care status, and explore why even before lockdown care-experienced young people have lower levels of achievement compared to their peers. We will then focus on solutions, outline the steps MCR Pathways is taking and how we can reorient our communities and institutions to make sure all young people are defined by their talent, and never their circumstances. The article concludes with a vision for the future: a cultural shift which sees our economic recovery fused with social benefits and support for our most disadvantaged; a way forward where everyone benefits and has a role to play in ensuring an equality of opportunities and share in success.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
JournalScottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2020


  • residential child care
  • covid 19
  • Scotland
  • youth mentoring
  • lockdown


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