Dealing with anxiety in a short-term therapy: keeping it company or going beyond

Nele Stinckens, Robert Elliott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The Leuven Systematic Case-study Protocol was used to analyze the therapeutic trajectory of a young woman suffering from anxiety problems. The LSCS protocol is a broad-spectrum monitoring tool that contains both quantitative and qualitative processes, effects and relational climate measurements. This case-study shows how relational and task-oriented elements can be combined to unlock the client’s structure- bound way of functioning. The therapeutic process was marked by a careful balance between staying with her anxiety (“keeping it company”) and stimulating the client to look beyond it. Outcome/process monitoring helped track the client’s process and correct difficulties. This case is compared to the increasing number of PCE anxiety case-studies and the advantages and pitfalls of monitoring are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)94-110
Number of pages17
JournalPerson-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies
Issue number2
Early online date16 Apr 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • anxiety
  • Leuven case study protocol
  • experiential therapy
  • monitoring


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