DC Grids : Motivation, Feasibility and Outstanding Issues: Status Report for the European Commission Deliverable : D5.4

Anne-Marie Denis, Olivier Despouys, Samuel Nguefeu, Jean-Pierre Taisne, Lucas Violleau, Jean-Baptiste Curis, Wolfgang Grieshaber, Diego Cirio, Andrea Pitto, Gianluigi Migliavacca, Roberto Calisti, Carlos Moreira, Bernardo Silva, Chen-Ching Liu, Lina He, Keith Bell (Editor), Tom Houghton, Stephen Finney, Grain Philip Adam

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Wind energy is already a mainstay of clean power generation in Europe, with over 100GW of capacity installed so far, and another 120GW anticipated by 2020 according to various analysts. Much of this capacity is expected to be installed offshore, as it is a windier and the source is steadier compared to onshore wind energy. Hence, offshore wind has been envisaged as making a critical contribution to Europe’s demand for electrical energy and to minimising the carbon emissions associated with meeting that demand.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
Commissioning bodyTWENTIES project, EC-GA no. 249812
Number of pages71
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2013


  • wind turbines
  • clean power
  • onshore wind generation


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