DC-gate-bias stressing of a-Si:H TFTs fabricated at 150ºC on polyimide foil

Helena Gleskova*, Sigurd Wagner

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52 Citations (Scopus)


We investigated the electrical stability of a-Si:H TFTs with mobilities of ∼0.7 cm 2/Vs fabricated on 51 μm thick polyimide foil at 150°C. Positive gate voltage V g ranging from 20 to 80 V was used in the bias stress experiments conducted at room temperature. The bias stressing caused an increase in threshold voltage and subthreshold slope, and minor decrease in mobility. Annealing in forming gas substantially improved the stability of the TFTs. The threshold voltage shift exhibited a power law time dependence with the exponent γ depending on the gate bais V g. For V g = 20 V, γ = 0.45, while for V g = 80 V, γ = 0.27. The threshold voltage shift also exhibited a power law dependence on V g with the exponent β depending slightly on stress duration. β = 2.1 for t = 100 sec and 1.7 for t - 5000 s. These values fall into the range experimentally observed for a-Si:H TFTs fabricated at the standard temperatures of 250-350°C.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1667-1671
Number of pages5
JournalIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2001


  • amorphous semiconductors
  • elemental semiconductors
  • hydrogen plasma
  • thin film transistors
  • electrical engineering


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