Creation of an occurrence analysis & learning centre for maritime (OALC-M). Results from EU funded SAFEMODE project

Beatriz Navas de Maya, Ben Wood, Louis de Wolff, Andrea Lommi, Rafet Emek Kurt, Osman Turan, Simone Pozzi

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The Occurrence Analysis & Learning Centre for Maritime (OALC-M) is a case study currently under development in the context of the European Union SAFEMODE project. The case study as part of the wider SAFEMODE project aims to promote contemporary safety thinking through a collection of carefully selected guidance and processes to investigators and safety managers within maritime organisations. The intent being, to encourage and help promote the adoption of the Safety-II construct across maritime organisations. Presently in the maritime industry, guidance on conducting investigations is chiefly focussed on a flag state level and is mandated through the IMO Casualty Investigation code and associated instruments. At an operator level (i.e., at a Shipping Company level) guidance on how to do this is scarce and it is left to the operator to decide on the investigation process, taxonomy used, analytical models & techniques, recommendations, and report format. The traditional, typical, approach adopted by the marine industry is reactive and based on a cause and effect, linear approach. OALC-M aims to utilise and encourage the adoption of SAFEMODE tools and techniques at an organisational level. This paper provides an initial description of the OALC-M case study and its scenarios targeted to shipping companies, which can benefit from the findings and tools created by the SAFEMODE project.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2021
Event1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles - Online, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Jun 202111 Jun 2021


Conference1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles
Abbreviated titleSTAB&S 2021
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • human factors
  • maritime safety
  • accident analysis


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