COVID-19 vaccinations: summary guidance for cancer patients in 28 languages : breaking barriers to cancer patient information

Davide Mauri, Tsali Lampriani, Dambrosio Mario, De Berardino, Hindi Nadia, Salembier Carl, Ioanna Nixon, Tzachanis Dimitrios, Alongi Flippo, Hameed Hassan, Valachis Antonios, Papadimitriou Konstantinos, Corradini Stefanie, Lazar Popovic, Kopecky Jindrich, Rodriguez Andres, Antunac Katarina, Yi Junlin, Orges Spahiu

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Background Covid-19 vaccination has started in the majority of the countries at the global level. Cancer patients are at high risk for infection, serious illness, and death from COVID-19 and need vaccination guidance and support. Guidance availability in the English language only is a major limit for recommendations' delivery and their application in the world’s population and generates information inequalities across the different populations. Methods Most of the available COVID-19 vaccination guidance for cancer patients was screened and scrutinized by the European Cancer Patients Coalition (ECPC) and an international oncology panel of 52 physicians from 33 countries.Results: A summary guidance was developed and provided in 28 languages in order to reach more than 70 percent of the global population. Conclusion Language barrier and e-guidance availability in the native language are the most important barriers when communicating with patients. E-guidance availability in various native languages should be considered a major priority by international medical and health organizations that are communicating with patients at the global level.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-14
Number of pages4
JournalReviews on Recent Clinical Trials
Issue number1
Early online date28 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2022


  • population
  • vaccination
  • cancer patients
  • languages
  • global
  • guidance


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