Coupling of progressive structural failure and loss of damage stability in the Safe Return to Port framework

Seungmin KWON, Qi Chen, Georgios Mermiris, Dracos Vassalos

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper addresses the survivability assessment of damaged ships with respect to the coupled effects of structural degradation and damage stability in the context of the Safe Return to Port (SRtP) framework for passenger ship safety. The survivability is evaluated in the time domain with varying wave loads. The proposed methodology is demonstrated through application to two diverse but safety-critical ship types, namely a RoPax with side damage, and an Aframax tanker with asymmetric damage at the bottom, the latter for comparison purposes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012
Event International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2012) - Athens, Greece
Duration: 23 Sept 201228 Sept 2012


Conference International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2012)


  • Safe Return to Port
  • progressive structural failure
  • damage stability


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