Corporate envy and emotional dynamics in the internal selection process of corporate venturing initiatives

Marina Biniari, Wilfred J. Zerbe (Editor), Charmaine H. Hartel (Editor), Neal Ashkanasy (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Corporate venturing initiatives, which exemplify corporate entrepreneurial behavior, follow an evolutionary path of variation, selection, and retention. While their external selection is a consequence of their performance, their internal selection is subject to forces of complementarity and legitimacy, and how well competition from other initiatives is overcome. This chapter aims to unfold the dynamics of the internal selection process of initiatives, focusing on its emotional dimensions. Assuming that organizational agents have a deliberate role in guiding the internal selection process of initiatives, the chapter examines how organizational agents' emotional dynamics influence this process. The chapter draws its theoretical basis from the intraorganizational evolutionary perspective and the literature on emotions in organizations. The case of a corporate venturing initiative and the narratives of four managers involved directly and indirectly in the initiative are used to illustrate how the emotional dynamics of organizational members evoked envy toward a venturing initiative and directly impacted its degree of competition and complementarity with other interacting initiatives, ultimately hampering its selection.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmotions and Organizational Dynamism
Subtitle of host publication(Research on Emotions In Organizations, Volume 6)
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Number of pages32
ISBN (Print)978-0-85724-177-1
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • corporate venturing initiatives
  • entrepreneurial behavior
  • entrepreneurship


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