Coordination of protection and active network management for smart distribution networks

Federico Coffele, Michael Dolan, Campbell Booth, Graham Ault, Graeme Burt

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book


Future energy networks are expected to be flexible and accessible entities that will result in highly efficient and reliable power delivery, with open access to network participants and optimal utilisation and management of assets. Research in protection and active network management (ANM) has independently developed novel solutions to meet the requirements of future networks. The existing and proposed solutions generally decouple ANM and protection systems; however under certain circumstances, such arrangements may render each independent system vulnerable to incorrect operation due to the nature of the other's operation. This paper discusses independently developed ANM and adaptive protection solutions and describes situations where it is beneficial to couple the ANM and protection systems. The paper illustrates, using a typical 11kV case study network, how including inter-communication between ANM and protection solutions can be beneficial and in some cases essential to allow more efficient operation of the ANM and protection solutions. Scenarios are examined for normal system operating conditions and islanded operation. Conclusions are drawn from these scenarios highlighting the identified requirements of a coordinated scheme.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCIRED 2012 Workshop
Subtitle of host publicationIntegration of Renewables into the Distribution Grid
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9781849196284
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2012
EventCIRED 2012 Workshop - Integration of Renewables into the Distribution Grid - Lisobon, Portugal
Duration: 29 May 201230 May 2012


ConferenceCIRED 2012 Workshop - Integration of Renewables into the Distribution Grid


  • active networks
  • power distribution protection
  • power system management
  • active network managemen
  • smart distribution networks
  • energy networks


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