Coordinating control of an offshore LVDC microgrid based renewable energy resources for voltage regulation and circulating current minimization

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Multi-Use Platform (MUP) is a new topic addressed, extensively, under the EU funded projects that aim to exploit oceans in a sustainable way in order to reduce the costs of marine energy and to extract seafood. MUP’s electrical grid experiences many challenges, being offshore. One of these challenges is that only Alternating Current (AC) systems are considered which are inefficient, expensive and require bulky components. Considering the advantages of Direct Current (DC) systems, this paper aims to study the feasibility of using the DC system to improve the electrical infrastructure of the MUP’s grid. Floating energy unit comprising tidal, wind and solar energy resources is considered as a base unit for the MUP’s grid. The paper proposes a new distributed controller for grid voltage regulation and minimizing circulating current among parallel-connected floating energy units in an offshore Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) microgrid. A mathematical model is derived for n-parallel floating energy units with the proposed controller. Additionally, stability analysis for the overall model of a single floating energy unit is also presented. The analysis and simulation of the proposed DC system demonstrate that the system is stable and fault-rejected at different operating conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3384
Number of pages31
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2021


  • boost converter
  • circulating current
  • DC microgrid
  • parallel converters
  • offshore microgrid
  • multi-use platform


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