Controller benchmarking of a heat-exchange network

H. Xia, L. Giovanini, M.J. Grimble, B. Bulut

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Benchmarking is a tool for improvement and should be considered as a benefit-driven activity. The ultimate goal of benchmarking is performance improvement. By-directly focusing on the improvement of plant's economic performance, we present a controller benchmarking framework based on the existing multi-level control hierarchy. At each level of the hierarchy, a constrained optimization which reflects the economic objective is performed. The active constraints recorded in the optimization process are treated as the goal of improvement in the lower levels. Consequently the constraints in each layer which limit the performance of the plant are isolated. The retuning decision is made based on the result of optimization of an economic metrics. The benchmarking practice for a heat-exchange network is used to illustrate the idea.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2003
EventIEEE Conference on Control Applications - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 23 Jun 200325 Jun 2003


ConferenceIEEE Conference on Control Applications


  • performance assessment measures
  • systems
  • feedback-control
  • controller benchmarking
  • heat-exchange network


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