Considering human memory in PIM

D. Elsweiler, I. Ruthven, L. Ma

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As the amount of information we create and use has increased, people rely less on their memory and more on tools to manage their information. Nevertheless, memory remains key to retrieving information with these tools[1]. Our work has focused on understanding the role that memory plays in PIM. What do people remember and forget about their information collections and objects within, and how are these memories used to solve information needs? Based on investigatory work tools have been developed to better support memory for information. These will now be evaluated to determine whether such an approach can assist PIM practices and to learn more about the role of memory in PIM. This paper briefly summarises the work done so far, describes one of the interfaces created, and overviews a novel methodology to evaluate this and similar interfaces.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2006
EventSIGIR 2006 Workshop on Personal Information Management - Seattle, USA
Duration: 10 Aug 200611 Aug 2006


ConferenceSIGIR 2006 Workshop on Personal Information Management
CitySeattle, USA


  • personal information management
  • memory


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